The pawn without animation shows up as expected. When you add the animation the preview panel on shows that the animation is working as expected.
When the pawn is actually placed in the game, the pawn including its capsule is in the proper place but its entire body mesh and all the mesh’s that have been applied (armor) are in a different location. It’s animated and when triggers at the pawns actual location occur the mesh animates as it should.
The location seems like a default location as it doesn’t matter where you place the pawn the mesh always shows up in the same location.
When the pawn moves the mesh does not move with it.
Also this mesh and animation work without an issue together on a different BP. I’ve compared all the changes on the original BP and reflected them on the new one.
I’m writing a mod for Ark which is using 4.5.1 UE
Hopefully, I’ve described the situation correctly. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.