Why won't the 3D Widget for VR project work in certain locations?

Hi All,

I hope I have put this in the right place. This one is a strange one to explain but I have taken screen shots to show what I mean. I have created a VR project for a client and everything is working beautifully. However when you teleport outside onto the balcony of the dwelling the menu won’t work. It opens and closes however the laser pointer will not let you select any options. When you go back inside the dwelling it works flawlessly.

I have tried many things, blocking volume around the balcony edge where it ignores 3D Widgets. Static mesh with collision settings and of course ignoring the 3D Widget so it can select the menu and not hit the mesh to ignore the menu. Put a box behind the menu in the pawn and set up collisions so it sees just the menu when called. Everything I have tried just won’t work. There has been the odd hit and miss where I’ve looked at one of the columns on the balcony or looked back where the doors and walls are and it has performed what I wanted to from the menu, but again hit and miss as try it another time and it just won’t work. Any ideas as to why this could be happening? The current work around is having people teleport back inside the house and use the menu from there. But often people want to make changes to the surrounds while looking out on the balcony. I have attached a screen shot to show what I mean.

I’m continuing to research this but it’s not an easy thing to Google or search in the Epic Forums so any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Thanks all

Hidden 3D widgets can obstruct the picking of other 3D widgets.