I have a AWheeledVehicle, defined in c++ with logic defining behavior etc… I would then expect that these variables and functions be in the context of the extending blueprint? Am I missing something in the declaration? I do not think I’ve ever had this issue before 4.26(this is al least the first time I’m experiencing this).
Just curious if the ACPP_TrafficTarget is marked a BlueprintType , I’m not entirely sure if it would throw an error in VS or simply not show up in BP otherwise
class ACPP_TrafficTarget: public AActor
The class is marked with “Blueprintable”, and not “BlueprintType”. looking at the definitions of the specifiers I fail to se that this would be causing this?
I can extend the class and create a blueprint of the class but I’m not able to se the UFNCTIONS without turning of context sensitive.
UCLASS(Blueprintable, Category = "Something Amazing")
class [PROJECTNAME]_API ACPP_WheeledVehicle : public AWheeledVehicle, public ICPP_TrafficInterface
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "Vehicle | Navigation")
TMap<int32, ACPP_TrafficTarget*> GetWaypoints();
ps: ACPP_TrafficTarget is also “Blueprintable”. and changing either or both to BlueprintType wont fix the issue. ds.