I’m trying to package and release game I made (I did one level tutorial from UnrealEngine channel and created a room with some chairs blah blah. I want to package and release this level to a friend to check out some funny edits I made.
First of all, why is packaging so messed up for me?
I am trying to release packages as both Development and Shipping. game keeps starting up in First Person Template level that we added when we started. Then I tried cleaning output area and repackaging, still same. I set my default game and editor map to my room map, away from example map. Still nothing. Then I’ve even gone and deleted other map files and repackaged, and my game died on:
Failed to enter /Game/Maps/Example_Map: Failed to load package ‘/Game/Maps/Example_Map’. Please check log for errors.
Address = 0x0 (filename not found)
It’s still looking for the **** **** map!
Why is this so hard to figure out? How do I learn more about concepts of levels and how to transition between them or select from them in my release?