I’m trying to get my character to turn and look at a specific object over time. My setup isn’t doing that exactly.
The timeline is a float from 0 to 1 just to lerp between the two rotations…
but I don’t swing around to the object…in fact…no matter which way im facing I just turn right about 50 degrees…so i’m assuming and i’m doing something terribly wrong.
So all I wanna do is have my first person camera turn on the z and face a certain object…
I’m using build 4.7.5.
You are changing its rotation to the static mesh actors rotation in the level. What you should do is get the look at rotation beforehand, store it in a variable, then lerp between the yaw values using the timeline.
Honestly ok…I’m not getting any different results.
I’ve actually set it to be different objects to look towards…It never look towards the object specified. It looks in a random direction…always different based on the object location yes…but never correct
I don’t see how this makes sense honestly…it doesn’t look like you created a timeline track… And how is this setting it to point at a certain location no matter where the camera is?
Sorry didn’t think that through much, it only rotates to some random value. But I figured out why it’s not working for you. You see it worked in this situation for me because I was changing the controller rotation. By default, in FPS template, your camera is using the controller yaw input. That’s why changing the actor rotation didn’t work. You could try removing the controller yaw input. I haven’t tried that. Or you could set the control rotation instead of actor rotation. It worked for me when I tried it.