I have a ThirdPersonCharacter with a health bar that punches and kick. I set it up in the graph so that the character is suppose to get destroy actor when he dies but the node is not working. The character does the death animation and falls to the ground. It still attached to the controller and slides around on the ground when you move it. The disable controls don’t work either. The print string death is the only part that works. I delete the nodes and re do them but still no good. I duplicated The TPC and made an AI character and the same thing happens to it. In the graph I did not connect the game over hud because it pops up when any THP dies even the AI child. How do I get the game over screen to pop up only when the player dies and not the AI? And most importantly how to get the all TPC’s and child to disappear when health reach 0. Thank you.
Okay so if i destroy components everything disappears but its still an invisible person there fighting me. How do I get the destroy actor node to work. Or another method that stops the behavior tree from firing. Any thing helps please. Thank you.
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