So I’m trying to import a pretty complex/large fbx file (188MB) into UE4, and the editor is freezing at “Building static mesh [;;my file name here]… (100%).” I have tried waiting it out, and had no luck of it eventually loading in. Will large fbx files import well in update 4.2, and is there something I’m doing wrong? The import options are set to:
Static Mesh
LOD: None (and tried Large Prop)
Calculate Normals
Combine Meshes: on
Remove Degenerates: on
One Convex Hull per UCX: on
Override FullName: on
Everything else is off. Also, I have successfully imported other fbx files (e.g. one was 18.2MB) using the same method as my current large file.
There’s another solution depending on what your asset is needed for. Are you able to break up your mesh into smaller components in your 3d editing software? If so export all of those smaller components sharing the same origin and reimport them into UE4. Once all the smaller components are in you can create an actor blueprint and piece the asset back together under it’s component window. One caution, if you need physics on this asset you may run into trouble. That’s a whole other topic.
Let me know if this works or if you have any other questions.
By the way, what asset do you have that is that large?
This could also play a factor into the asset loading in. Depending on your Ram and processor speed it can take a while for a large asset to load in. I’ve had a Million vert FBX that was 596mb that loads in with no issues. It took about 7 minutes to load in though. I personally have a pretty hefty machine here with 32gb of ram and powerful processor. In the test doc we had when I was loading it in it said it could take up to 45 minutes for that particular file to load in.
If the engine is not crashing on you it will do a hard freeze while it’s loading it in and after it finishes it will be there.
Alternatively you could do as UnrealGuy suggest and see if smaller chunks of your model can load in as well with no issue.
Since we’ve not heard from you in a while I’m going to mark this as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still having the issue feel free to post here and I will assist you.
Thank you for your speedy replies. I found that the bottleneck was the RAM on the computer I was using. The import process has sped up dramatically after upgrading the computer to 16 GB. The asset I was trying to import was a massive Solidworks assembly file (entire folder for the project is around 8GB) that I converted. I managed to combine and reduce the polygons after conversion, but it’s still pretty hefty. I will be breaking the actual machine into 2 or 3 pieces before import in the future.