I just followed a tutorial for Niagara, where you need to get the particle position to achieve a certain effect.
Trying to recreate that system, in 5.4, I noticed that “Particle Position” is no longer available in the emitter settings.
I can now only get it through a Niagara module script I create, which is very limiting and annoying.
What is the reason this was removed?
Hi @spacegojira
In Unreal Engine 5.4, the removal of direct access to “Particle Position” from emitter settings is a move towards a more modular and flexible Niagara system. This change forces users into the use of custom module scripts, which give more control, enhanced performance optimization, and more flexibility in the generation of particle effects. While it may initially feel constricting, it aligns with best practices and offers more customizable and efficient particle behavior
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Thanks for the answer, in that case I will have to learn more how to use the module scripts and connect them with better with my emitters.
May I ask, why is using the module script better for performance optimization, in contrast to the old way of having “particle position” directly accessible in the emitter?