Hello, I’m printing out the velocity of different components inside a character blueprint.
The result is illustrated in the picture below. You can see the velocity of Sphere and Mesh stay zero always. Does somebody know why?
Hello, I’m printing out the velocity of different components inside a character blueprint.
The result is illustrated in the picture below. You can see the velocity of Sphere and Mesh stay zero always. Does somebody know why?
cause sphere, mesh and springarm are related to the Capsule…
Capsule, Movement and the whole Object are on the same Hierarchy Space…
Since the first three Objects are child of the Capsule, their relative velocity is 0… Since they are not moving inside their parent…
Hello @BDC_Patrick ,
If I intentionally add force to a child component(e.g. the sphere) to move and simultaneously keep the capsule component static, can I get the velocity of the sphere via ‘Get Component Velocity’ node?
Have tried to add force to the sphere. Then, the sphere will move out of the capsule. At this time, the velocity of the sphere is no longer zero. That’s great! Thanks @BDC_Patrick for your explanation.