Hi there!
I recently ran into a problem where I wanted a level sequence to take control of the main pawn at a certain part of a level. This turned out to be rather troublesome as the pawn is spawned to the level by the Player Start.
I ended up getting it to work by using the Set Binding Node, but it got me wondering: Why do we even use Player Start instead of just manually placing the pawn directly in the level?
I’m sure there is a great reason for this, I just can’t figure it out myself
If anyone has an answer to this please let me know!
So to my understanding there are alot of reasons to use player start, just depends on the game you are building. For example, if you are building a multiplayer shooter game, you want to designate spawn points. i imagine you would use player start for this as each user has a different ID and each ID could be assigned to one spawn point at spawn time.
Additionally, if you have different characters with different abilities etc that you want your players to choose from you would use a player start for the flexibility, that way once the character select screen was completed the chosen character blueprint reference could be passed to the level and that character could be spawned.