Why Translucent Material Glow in Dark

When exporting 3Ds Max model with Material using Datasmith to UE5.0.3
or Even when creating a Translucent material in UE5

The Translucent material in glowing in the Dark, Why is that ??
The material Properties are:

  • Material Domain: Surface
  • Blend Mode: Translucent
  • Shading Model: Default Lit
  • Lighting Mode: Surface Translucency Volume
  • No Thin Translucent Material Output
  • No Emissive Color
    I did also Turn off “Affect Translucent Lighting” in Directional Light (Sun)


it could be that the material is being affected by the atmospheric light, you can try changing the DOF on the material for “Before DOF”

if that does not work, try changing the material to “Unlit” and see if the problem persist

Hope This helps!

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