Why this code don't work for me?

Hi all. I’m Lucilla and I work with Unreal 4.27. Configuration: GeForce RTX 4080, I7 13th Gen.

I hope this section of forum is right for my question.

I have followed tutorials that show me how to render an object behind a wall. None of them is work for me. I have tried to follow step by step every single tutorial, but nothing work for me.

This is my code:

And this is the tutorial I follow:

UE4 - Tutorial - Render through Walls! (youtube.com)

Why doesn’t work?

Thanks to all people reply this.

Hi Lucilla. I think the code is fine, you could try to check these:

  1. Have you enabled Render CustomDepth Pass on the cube/character?
  2. Is your post process volume enabled? Does it cover your actor inside the bounds? Or you can just enabled Infinite Extent (Unbound).
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Thanks for your answer.
I controlled what you said and it’s already as youw shown to me.

With some trial and error with settings project, I found a solution!

I simply activate Ambient Occlusion in Rendering settings. I think there is some type of process that conflicts with the rendering in “two eyes” headset. Activating “Ambient Occlusion” Unreal has to recalculate Depth Scene and considere My Custom Depth.

I don’t know if what I wrote is true, it’s only a reasonable explanation of my problem.
Thanks for Help!

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