UE4 world == Vacuum? How to make Air resistance?
Read caption carefully, 1000 != 1. Mass is not the same. But anyway, if there’s no air resistance, so mass doesnt matter.
I would like to have Fake air resistance at least. So 1m cube of metal should fall faster than 1m cube of cotton.
Because science. Objects with the same mass will fall to earth with the same acceleration.
Like you mention however, there is no air resistance which I do not believe exists in PhysX (though I’d like to be wrong). It can be very difficult to implement something like this, but depending on what you want to do you can probably fudge it by applying linear forces counter to the motion of gravity. How you calculate those forces is the real question and depends heavily on your aims.
I did read the caption. Your question is why two objects with differing masses fall at the same rate. This is because the real world laws of physics say they do for all practical intents so long as they are the same shape.
Air resistance is quite tricky - I don’t think I’ve ever seen a generalised system for use in games, only very rough, crude approximations and a lot of smoke and mirrors for things like aircraft in flight sims.
Yup, behaviour is correct. In order to fake something like air resistance, you could try adding a random upward force to counteract it. UPrimitiveComponent::AddForce | Unreal Engine Documentation
(Also possible via blueprint)
Which is actually mirroring real world physics in a way - gravity is applying a constant downward force, and the air is resisting the movement - in effect adding an upward force.
Does Physics volume have support for this? I dont want to apply such force individually, i would like to have Unbound Volume for that.
Try to change Linear Damping under the physics tab in object properties.
Hmm, nice thx, didnt even tryed it before. But bad there’s no option for automatic Linear Damping calculation by Mass * Bounding Box. But i think i could do Volume for that.
I have a similar problem. I’m trying to make a base jumping kind of level, and the guy simply won’t accelerate. The terminal velocity is too low.