Why the get current acceleration is (0,0,0)in my new created BP_Npc?

I tried to make NPCs autopatrol in navmesh bound volume。
The NPC did move but they can’t go foward to next animation section because 【get current acceleration】is (0,0,0)。So I modified the default thirdPersonCharacter blueprint in UE5 to test。
The miracle happened!
【get current acceleration】can get values!
What‘s wrong in my NPC blueprint?

Hey @AZAKIYA_KILAMI! Welcome to the forums!

Typically you want to use “Get Current VELOCITY” instead of acceleration! Can you show us your code and we can try to take a look and see if there’s something you might not be aware of?

Thanks, get back to us soon! :slight_smile:

YEAH,I have used get velocity to solve this.
But I still don’t know what’s the difference between ue5 defualt thirdPersonCharacter and BP_NPC created from a empty blueprint.
They own same codes and components, but default characters have a acceleration value, NPC not.

What is “BP_NPC”? Do you mean “Character”? Character should have acceleration- because acceleration is pulled from the “Character Movement Component”. Maybe that’s the problem? Are you getting the BP_NPC’s Character Movement Component and getting the Acceleration from that?


Did you get it figured out? Let us know for future answer seekers!