Hello, I have a strange problem. I am working with my teammates and I am working on C++, some of them are working in the Blueprint. There is a strange problem here: whenever after he did something about Get Key Event (change a blueprint variable in blueprint when pressed or released a key) in the Character Blueprint, I cannot get the input event in C++ (the SetupPlayerInputComponent doesn’t work any more).
Anyone knows how to fix this problem? Thanks very much.
In UE4 input system, when somebody “consumes” input data, the data is removed from input Queue(or stack , or list , I barely remember). so other actors will lose access to that specific input data. Read about it HERE
I suggest you to declare a BlueprintImplementableEvent function and tell your other teammate to implement that function inside blueprint. Use this function whenever necessary.
Thanks very much. I’ll try to implement this solution.
Our current implementation is by using a blueprint variable/tag/state or something then change it in C++ when pressed and released. I think your solution is the better choice.