What is wrong with your cookies, website, or captcha system??? Every month I have problems signing in, and I got no answer in my last thread about if it was a cookie issue.
Now I cant sign in the Marketplace using my password and your new Captcha; yet I was able to sign with the same password, IP/Browser, and Captcha - to access this forum.
Look at the pic, I selected the correct images, thus “incorrect response” is lying. Tell us the real reasons for rejection so we know. I deleted cookies, closed browser, and tried again - still failed. I’m assuming it is not IP related since I signed in here.
“Please refresh the page.” I don’t believe this; tell us if we keep trying to sign in (without knowing why it was rejected) - will our accounts will get locked for 120 minutes? Because I searched this error and people from prior years said they were locked for trying again.
This has been an issue for 5 years, google search gave no solutions, and the search terms weren’t even found at this forum. Thus it should be addressed.
This is an important issue because money is involved and you do timed sales. Thus we need to know if it’s your error, or if we should keep trying to login, or not try again and we have to wait how long? (Remember time is an issue, so we need to know what is the timeout period, so we don’t miss sales.)
But from the pic it looks like your captcha system is wrong. So please help. Ty.
Also look that my ID changed during the Captcha. (Normal or bad coding?)
Last month I couldn’t sign in my primary browser. (It got the same error when I got the captcha correct.) So I switched to a new one that I use only for this site (which worked last month). Now it won’t sign in the Marketplace.
Also your “rough sea” captcha is confusing/wrong. By sea do they mean strictly rough water? Or by sea do they mean at the ocean, and the gloomy dark clouds count as rough sea - because to sailors this would be an indication of rough sea nearby (what is visible in eye-range, and thus the image). The captcha needs to be precise: “rough water waves” = water turbulence only, or “stormy weather” = includes gloomy clouds and/or rough water.
Thank you. But I thought that the Marketplace specific forum was different, and reps read it? A rep replied to me about another Marketplace bug that I reported months ago (but not this cookie bug or whatever).
But if you know a better way to tell them, let me know. Ty
I have the same issue, but it does that on the PC only when I tried to log in with my phone it worked with no problem ( on the mobile it didn’t show a Captcha at all )
But I still need to log in to my Computer.
Yesterday, on Browser 1 (Brave), it would not let me check out - failed to even show Captcha, yet said I failed it [Issue May 23].
So I went to Browser 2 (Firefox), already logged in for months, checked out, no captcha, sale went through.
Now today, I refreshed Browser 2, and they locked/logged me out!
So I try to sign in. I clearly clicked the correct captcha answers. Yet Epic tells me Incorrect response! Tried twice, failed twice.
Yet I am still signed in with the same account (Browser 2) at this forum URL, and can post this!
And I am still signed in on Browser 1, to view the Marketplace (yet cannot check out)!
Someone please fix this. I have 20 tabs open from shopping for assets. I do not want to restart my browser every time your captcha glitches. And restart didn’t work the last time for Issue 1.
I got a reply from the hCaptcha support folks about this on an AMI in aws us-west-2 and they were able to tell me that it was being rejected at the Epic Games end. They suggested changing IP addresses because the one I was on seemed to be blocked by Epic. Upon changing the IP address the problem went away.
Thanks for the report.
I was able to stop the captcha fail error, once, by changing IP. Idk why they are blocking, but hope they dont perma block public IPs that everyone uses.
Epic why is this still a problem?
It’s now 2024 and you have a sale. Yet I get stupid errors and cant sign in when Im on a NEW computer (not the computer from the 2023 errors) AND this NEW computer worked for signin last month:
I retried 3 times, also cleared my cookies and restarted the browser.
Still failed ‘non animal’ check.
A few hours later, I try to sign in again.
I changed my VPN in case a spammer got it blocked.
I entered my email and clicked next.
Now I even get the error at the email page: “Incorrect response” - when I didn’t even get the the response page. So this AI is cray, and it’s annoying that I cannot sign in to check my wishlist. (Yet I am still signed in for the Forums and signed into my account with the Epic Launcher.)
I only use this browser for UE and UEM browsing so there shouldn’t be any issues. It’s your AI or the 3rd party captcha bugs that have existed for a year.
After 14 years on the internet I’m actually the guy with the solution for once. You should try resetting your password but once you request a reset link try to sign in. Seemed to work for me
Password reset does not work. And I already have 2 factor on. But Epic login doesnt even request it [before I get the hCaptcha error]. hCaptcha is a customer block/malware, blocking me from asking questions about this month’s sale.
Login failures [hCaptcha failures] increased after I reset my pass last month.
This month, I cant login at all (after 20 tries for a few days), even after I tried my tricks and even disabled uBlock.
Now today, Im on another computer, I started the Launcher from an external drive. I signed in fine. Then I clicked assets in my library which took me to the asset page (within Launcher’s UI). But somehow when I clicked another asset, the Launcher opened the page in my browser and Im magically logged in a browser (that I never logged in before). But it skipped the buggy hCaptcha customer block/malware.
So the issue is buggy hCaptcha/browser code, not really my Epic account nor computer.
Can anyone at Epic or a mod help?
I havent been able to sign in a month because of defective malware “hCaptcha.”
The malware constantly blocks me from using my Epic account, when I get the answer correct. Now there is a new error where the test question doesnt load page 2.
Denied ability to shop for this months sale.
Denied ability to ask questions
Denied ability to claim this month’s free assets, and they expire in a few days.
I cannot sign in my Epic account to make a ticket. “hCaptcha” is malware. They refuse to fix it, and it is disrupting service.
Even at this forum, the sign in is confusing. At the top bar there is a “sign in” button. Im assuming that there are 2 accounts (forum and Epic/Assets), and the button is for the non-forum Epic account. But I cannot sign in that (fails).
August 2024: The malware is still blocking the customer even when I SKIPPED “hCaptcha” to finally login after months.
This time login asked for email verify like normal websites. I thought perhaps the “hCaptcha” malware had been removed from Epic’s website.
I collected this month’s free assets > went to cart > clicked Place Order… and the dumb website says I “failed” a captcha challenge that was never shown to me!
How annoying is that? Now the “hCaptcha” malware is using stealth to run without me seeing or knowing - but to still block the customer when I am finally logged in and verified.