Why sequencer doesn't maintain my focal lenght keys?


My problem is weird. As U can see from my printscreens, i have two cameras in my sequence. Cam1 in first take has 50 mm focal lenght and should change f.l. to 25 mm in third take. When I’m displaying my whole movie in camera cuts preview or simply recording to video sequence - it won’t change… :frowning:

Generaly it looks like the keys from focal lenght stripe were not respected by any output. Courios thing is when I change my focal lenght to any of thous two values (50mm or 25mm), my camera just stick to currently set value. (sorry for my bad English)

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Sorry for digging this up, but it is still an issue in 4.17! Is there any formal bug report ticket for this or was no one able to reproduce the issue?

Would be nice if Epic would address this issue instead of ignoring it.

I just made a fresh project in 4.17.2, added a cinematic camera in the sequencer, keyed the focal length and captured the movie. It all worked as expected.

Then it has to be an issue that comes from updating the engine in a running project. We started the project in 4.6, updated each version up to now 4.17.2. In our sequencer we can keyframe every value, except CurrentFocalLength. It accepts the keyframe, but when played in the build, the focal length stays at the first given value.

Are there any ini values related to the sequencer that might affect how it works in our project that might have been missed when updating the engine?


(post deleted by author)