Why use the Lyra animation style with Root Yaw Offset? (Where it rotates the mesh opposite the base actor to make it look like it’s standing still)
Why not just turn off Use Controller Rotation Yaw and then rotate the actor to the AimRotation yaw if it’s moving?
I made a character and switched between the two methods, and it looks the same(am I missing something?), and the math is much more straight forward.
The only thing I can think of is that there is some sort of networking reason for it? Maybe Unreal does some sort of prediction on the ControllerYaw or something? Otherwise I’m completely baffled.
Hi, I also asked why? Yes, it is because of network replication of ViewYawRotation. By default, Character only replicates Pitch View Rotation to other clients in networks, and Pawn ActorRotation is mostly used as Yaw rotation. RootYawOffset eliminates this problem when aiming, as we already know, but I noticed quite a large rotation lag when aiming at remote clients, which worried me quite a bit. Without using RootYawOffset, I had to add replication of ViewYaw rotation on my Character class just like Pitch View Rotation, specifically the SetRemoteViewPitch and PreReplication functions on the Pawn class. And Boom everything works perfectly. Aiming is replicated to all clients smoothly and without lag or tearing. I don’t understand why EPIC implemented aiming replication in such a stupid and unreliable way.
I’m still getting up to speed with Unreal (coming from Unity), and I haven’t done much with multiplayer as of yet. It’s nice to know how to get it working.