I’m trying to set the field of view from my Perspective Camera to 37 and Aspect Ratio 0.5625, but it is looking really odd on mobile device although it looks fine on Unreal Mobile Preview. (As you can see at attached files)
Am I doing anything wrong?
Hi perdrodacruz,
Thank you for the report. We have assigned one of our technicians to investigate your issue and they may post here with additional questions or comments.
In the meantime, could you provide the exact model of the Android device that you are using? And also provide thorough repro steps or a small test project for us?
Hey ,
What type of mobile device are you pushing this project to? I have changed my Android project settings to ‘portrait’ and changed the camera settings to 37 with an aspect ratio of 0.5625. I pushed my project to a . The project came out proportionate without any black bars beside, above or below. Please keep in mind I also tested this in 4.8.3, as I can’t downgrade to 4.8.2.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
My mobile device is Motorola XT910 and I am using Android 4.1.2 …
I have just tested on my mother’s mobile device (Motorola Moto E) and it is happening the same problem (as the picture attached)
I have followed the steps of on Unreal Channel to create a 3rd person Game:
- Attach SpringArm to CapsuleComponent (Loaction: X=0;y=0;Z=40/ Target Arm Length = 300);
- Attach a Camera to SpringArm (Location: x=-450;y=0;z=70/ Projection Mode = Perspective/ Field of View 37/ Constrain AspectRation = true/ AspectRatio = 0.5625)
3.Finally, I have followed the steps of Unreal Channel to create the endless running mechanics…
It will take some time to elaborate something more detailed (if you need so).
Thank you for testing this out on another device.
I have now tested it on a Samsung Tablet on Android version 4.1.2. I did not have the letter boxing around the game. I tried with the spring arm and without the spring arm with the settings that you provided previously.
I also went ahead and tested this on another device, the HTC One however this device is on Android version 4.4. I was unable to reproduce the letter boxing around this device either.
Have you looked into upgrading your version of Android to see if that changes the letter boxing? Keep in mind that upgrading your version of Android is something that is permanent so if you do not want to test that out, feel free not to.
Another suggestions that I have is to change your aspect ratio and size around, unless you’re positive that’s the size that’s needed for your devices. It’s possible that the sizing isn’t working properly on the two devices that you’re using.
If these two suggestions are not helpful, feel free to zip your project (with all files - - so there aren’t any errors) for me and upload it on or and provide it to me in a private message on the forums so that it’s safe from the public.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
Hey, !
I didn’t understand what you meant with “size around”…
I am trying to send you my project… I am afraid of need to make a new project…
Thank for your attention!
Hey ,
Thank you for sending me your project. It looks good in my opinion by the way.
I have tested your project on the Nvidia Shield, and the HTC One. Each of these loaded up your game just fine. The only one that ran into the letterboxing issue was the HTC which is on Android version 4.4. On the HTC, the screen was shifted more to the left, so the letterboxing appeared on the right side of the screen. It was less than a 1/2 inch in width, to give you an idea.
I believe what’s happening is it’s coming down to the size restraints of the devices that you’re using. But I did want to let you know that I looked further into your character blueprint and noticed that the camera was set to 17, not 37. I changed it back to 37 and saved the changes. I also set the portrait to sensor portrait. Once I launched the game back onto the HTC One, the letterboxing had vanished.
Could you please check your settings again on your project settings within ‘Mirtilo Character’ and ensure that the camera settings are correct?
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
Sorry !
I forgot to set the camera’s Field of View… The project that I have sent you is the same I have released on Play… but now I am trying to set Field of View to 37 because I think it gives an better sense of speed…
Have tested everything with 37?
Oh! I forgot to say: My mother’s mobile phone is Android 4.4.4.
I have setted the option “Sensor Portrait” but it didn’t have any effect.
All devices tested with your project, or a similar set up have worked correctly unless otherwise noted. Unfortunately, the two devices that you are referring to, we do not have access to. Have you tried changing the size of the camera’s field of view and possibly the aspect ratio? It’s possible that those specific phones are set up slightly different than the ones tested. Do you have any other mobile device you’re able to test with?
Hey, ! Thank you for existing!
Actually, this weekend I’ve tried to create the iOS version of the game, but my iphone 4 and my iPad 2 are presenting a similar problem, but vertically (it is showing two black stripes on both sides of screen)… should I create another question to iOS?
Hey ,
Go ahead and create a new question for iOS and address the question towards me and I will be more than happy to look into this further for you. I have a plethora of iOS devices to test.
In the first question, please include the type of iOS device and what version of the OS it’s on.
Thank you!
Thank you very much, ! This week I am having no free time (my main job is not game development…unfortunately), but I will open a new question as soon as I can… but for the current question is the answer:“this problem cannot be reproduced on epic games device”?
Please contact us back when you have more time to look into this. I have verified that the iOS devices do not show the letterboxing. I did notice that your game was sent to the view of 17 and not 37. I changed that of course, as that’s how you mentioned it was suppose to be set up previously. Have you tried that on your end?
Thank you!
Yep! The screenshots were taken in a view of 37!
I have not been able to reproduce this. I’m not quite sure yours are showing up differently than when I push the game to the devices. Have you tested this out in 4.8.3 and 4.9.0 Preview 2?
I have tested this out in 4.8.3, but now I will try the 4.9.0 Preview 2. As soon as I download it and run it I will post the results.
I have originally tested it in 4.8.3 and I’ve just tried to test it on 4.9.0 preview 2 and Hit Box is not working (it has also happened on 4.6 version, but was solved on 4.7) so… once my game is already released I can’t even try to use this preview (I have suffered enough with Unreal previews - I hope to have learned my lesson)…
Hey ,
So in the end, were you able to resolve the issue with your project? Previews are basically just snapshots of the newest version of the editor that we’re planning on releasing. When you ‘upgrade’ to a new version, it doesn’t take your whole project and convert it unless you ask it to. All you need to do is press ‘copy’ on a newer version and it’ll create a copy, not destroying your other version of the project in the process.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks.