Why my Unreal Engine 5.2 Selected Viewport Mode has NO SHADOW?

I created a basic UE5.2 game using the ThirdPerson template, but the shadows are not compiling in ‘Selected Viewport Mode.’ I have tried rebuilding all the lights, but I can’t figure out what is wrong. However, if I select ‘Standalone Mode,’ everything works fine. I’m sure there’s a simple checkbox that is not ticked by default, but I’m not sure which one it is. Why does Unreal behave like this with a basic game template?

Note: When i try to build the light I get the error:

“LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: WorldSettings.bForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, Skipping Lighting Build!”

I unchecked the option in the Project setting without effects.

Find the solution; my Scalability setting where set to low… duh

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Did you just unselect ‘cast shadow’ in the player details?


The engine default level has dynamic lights and world partition, both of which means build light does nothing.

Thanks, that was just the scalability setting set to low by default. I wonder why…

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