I’ve banging my head on different books and tutorials online but I just can’t make my sound cue play based on a collision. No Idea like what is there I’m missing.
Can somebody please please help me with this. Would really appreciate it
I’ve banging my head on different books and tutorials online but I just can’t make my sound cue play based on a collision. No Idea like what is there I’m missing.
Can somebody please please help me with this. Would really appreciate it
I think your problem is that you update the set sound node every frame.
I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if you just want to play the sound you can just remove both the EventBeginPlay and the Set Sound node.
Hope this helps
I’m trying to play a sound loop when a actor overlap event triggers and stop the sound when overlap ends. I saw in one tutorial that I need to set sound in the starting so that’s why setsound node is there.
If you want to loop the sound that you are playing you can just locate it in your content browser - double click it and then select looping under Sound Wave.
I know that how to loop a sound but I’m saying here that loop it on a trigger
I have a collision box, when I walk through it, my character overlaps with the collision and initiates a trigger , called , OnActorOverLapBegin, this is when I want to play the sound and stop the sound when my character comes out of the collisionbox which initiates a trigger OnActorEndOverlap.
I don’t think I understand what the problem is.
If you set the sound to looping and uncheck auto activate, then you could activate and deactivate it with the trigger, and it would automatically loop while playing.
Sorry if I keep misunderstanding!
You are trying
ok lets forget about the looping thing
All i want to do is play a nice soft music when my character enter block collision
And I want to stop the same nice soft music when my character leaves the block collision
That’s all I want to do
Forget what I have done , help me that how should I do it?
Don’t bother, I solved it hahaha , I guess I just needed somebody to discuss like LIVE lol. and it worked well, urggggggh , thanks for listening me OUT
Thank you
I have recreated your blueprint, and it works just fine for me.
The only reason I can think of for why it’s not working for you is if your audio file is not a 16bit .wav file, but instead something like an mp3 or similar.
Otherwise, I don’t know what it could be