Why my project does never appear in the Unreal Project Browser "Recent Projects" list? (5.1)

No matter what I do:

  • Open the project file by double-clicking
  • Open the profile file from the Project Browser “Browse…” button

My project (UE 5.1) is never added to the “Recent Projects” list. (it shows up in the Epic Launcher).


I searched on the forums and I found similar issues, but none of the provided solutions work, because they are either focused on the Epic Launcher or UE’s inside menu “Recent Projects”.

For example:

What can be done? I don’t even know what kind of information to report here :slight_smile: So let me know what can I provide.

It’s in the Epic Launcher tho:


Duck debugging works. Found solution here:

  • Create a new blank project inside the same folder as the other project, example: C:/foo/projects/
  • Open and close the project
  • Now your other project appears in the Recent Projects in the Project Browser, as long as it is also inside C:/foo/projects/.


Thanks Alfred!

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Thank you very very much! Not all heroes wear capes but you sir, you deserve to wear one <3!

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I just had a bit different problem. Option “Most recently used” filter didn’t work, so the last opened project didn’t move at the start of the list.
So, I followed your recommendations and found “EditorSettings.ini” file. The path for my projects was right.
But then I noticed a list of recent projects just under ‘CreatedProjectPaths=’. I deleted those lines, saved it and when I opened Unreal Engine I noticed that “Most recently used” filter is finally working! So, if anyone has problem like me, try my solution.
Hope it helps.


This works as a partial solution. If you delete the game created it will go back to showing no projects and using the default folder.

true, additionally, from version 5.0 up to current 5.3 it still does not work, no matter what I do. Meanwhile I was switching PC’s and reinstalled Windows.

This is obiously A BUG.

My intention is to see recent projects, no matter what location I use. It “just should work”.

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I’ve also been having this problem. Everything that’s been suggested I’ve tried, but my old projects aren’t showing. Even if a new copy has been made for UE 5.1.

Perhaps this has been fixed. Using 5.3.2, I created test projects for the folders containing projects not showing on the Unreal Project Browser. Then I deleted those test projects. Even after several refreshes and restarts, the formerly-missing projects remain in the Browser.

Thank you! Worked like a charm.

5.3.2 here, and still works perfectly up to this day, thank you!

To have your projects display in the Unreal Project Browser, add your new project paths to the file “EditorSettings.ini” which is inside


(Be sure to change “YourName” and “YourVersion” to reflect your Windows username and your current version of Unreal respectively)

Add all project paths to “EditorSettings.ini” as shown in this example:


Also, to have the most recent files appear in the Epic Games Launcher, add all your project paths to “GameUserSettings.ini” inside




(notice the difference here is a forward slash instead of a backslash)


Trying to get this issue sorted with 5.3.2 as well. In my case though, my project is saved and synced to GitHub. Can GitHub projects appear in the Recently Used section? Because it certainly shows in the Epic Games Launcher.