I’ve been having a weird issue with live coding. Each time a recompile is triggered, even without touching a single file, it ALWAYS recompile my marketplace plugin.
I’ve had similar issues in the past - and sometimes it’s been because the files have a later modified date than the current date - I’ve had to go through and re-save them. Not sure if that will be your issue here though.
Sadly, the files are automatically compiled at the launch of the editor (don’t really know why tbh, since it’s a marketplace plugin that should already be compiled), so their last modification is at the start of the engine.
After some more investigation, someone pointed to me that it was a known issue that impacted all marketplace plugins:
For anyone finding this, you can fix temporary this bug by adding bUsePrecompiled = true to the .Build.cs file of the impacted plugins (don’t submit a marketplace update with this, though)
Another way to resolve it is by moving the plugin’s project folder from the engine folder into your project/Plugins folder so that it builds alongside your project. This makes your project more portable too, so I think I’m going to be doing this for any plugins I acquire from now on