Why my material not fits to my object and how can i add opacity

I created a water bottle in blender and i painted with substance painter. But in unreal engine material kind a distored and i can’t add opacity. I don’t know much about material business so expose me…

Red channel * opacity param

i did what you said it’s kinda worked but this is not my bottle texture… why the material not fits to bottle png

Then you have the UVs wrong, I’m afraid.

Can you show channel 0 in the static mesh editor?

Thank you so much for your attention

Can you put the FBX here?


Ok, have it. And the textures? ( I don’t think they’re in the fbx )


i don’t know thats the right way, can you access the textures? i can upload to the google drive

That will do :slight_smile:

i deleted them for security… you downloaded right?

Ok, if I just make a material like this

I get

( this side kinda looks ok, but )

that’s not right.

this is how bottle looks like in substance

do you know how can i fix this

I noticed at the start, you had custom UVs, is that normal after coming from substance?

it didn’t worked this way and i tried to import the uv map and tried that way

I was just looking at this

I don’t think he says anything very exciting. It does seem to be a UV and texture problem.

it’s not working…