I made an enemy bot to patrol between 2 target points, but when the player is around he should stop patrolling and start chasing you. The problem is it isn’t working, my bot don’t even move and I don’t know why.
note: - I have the nav volume.
this blueprint is in the enemy character
this sphere is the detection area.
I didn’t use the behavior tree to program. ( look at the pictures)
Hang on, I have a project somewhere where I did exactly the same thing without a Behavior Tree but there was a trick to doing it let me double-check what I did.
So I looked at my code and all I did was spawn the actor manually in Blueprint (Using Spawn actor) ; Then I “Set” it into a variable and used that variable for an aiMoveTo - Hope this helps!
I’m using a blackboard key for my destination, but yes, you would set the destination to the location of one of your nodes. When I was using node-based AI, I would fetch the location of one of the nodes in the array and feed it into the destination of AI Move To. I still believe, though, that you need an AI controller to possess the AI Character.