Why my array cannot read it's last index's item?

I’m trying to get every index’s item but for some reason the last (35th) has the item 13 and reading 0. For the other indexes it is working.

Does anyone knows why?

I even tried with the LAST INDEX node, and it is reading index 35 as it should but it is not working

fyi array indexing starts at zero so when it has 35 elements, first is at [0] and last at [34]. why your code is not working prolly is not on screenshots

It has 36 elements, starting with 0 and the last is 35 (the LAST INDEX node giving 35 too).

Are you perhaps modifying the array at runtime somewhere? Do you call remove on a specific item of the array or remove its element by index anywhere in your code?

Also if you are just comparing values of the same array with just an offset then a for loop with accessing 1 index behind would be better (just make sure to start checking after the index is greater than zero)

Sorry to reply now, for some reason I did not get a notification… What do you mean by an offset? I cannot find any node like that but seems interesting