I’ve created some meshes with blender with 400-1800 vertecies but ue4 tells me that the mesh has 5000+ vertecies … why does that make ue4 and now, if I want to sell those meshes, should I count the blender or ue4 vertices ?
thank you in advance
I’m glad you asked that question, because there is a lot of marketplace sellers that use the vertex count from the 3D application and not from the engine, I recommend using the engine vertex count, this will give you the least trouble later if people comment on your marketplace product. The difference can be found here or you trust me that I copied it correctly:
On the most basic level, the triangle count and the vertex count can be similar if the all the triangles are connected to one another. 1 triangle uses 3 vertices, 2 triangles use 4 vertices, 3 triangles use 5 vertices, 4 triangles use 6 vertices and so on.
However, seams in UVs, changes to shading/smoothing groups, and material changes from triangle to triangle… are all treated as a physical break in the model’s surface, when the model is rendered by the game. The vertices must be duplicated at these breaks, so the model can be sent in renderable chunks to the graphics card.
Overuse of smoothing groups, over-splittage of UVs, too many material assignments (and too much misalignment of these three properties), all of these lead to a much larger vertex count. This can stress the transform stages for the model, slowing performance. It can also increase the memory cost for the mesh because there are more vertices to send and store.
Would be great to hear if that answers your question.
Thanks Ninjin for answering!
good to know…