Hello UE4 community!
I have an issue with my save game and I’ve spent days to manage to solve it whithout any result. So I come to you for help.
I want to use my save game to save score as well as some variables that I want to keep through levels.
I looked the Tappy Chickent project and tried to adapt it to my game. I managed to create my save game in my menu level. In the menu the player has to select which controller he will use, then I save it into a variable (I created an enum). I managed to reuse it in my others level. I do the same thing for all my variables BUT it looks like some variable aren’t changed when I want.
Here is my save game blueprint:
Then I try to load it in my game mode blueprint:
But when I look at the game mode blueprint in debug mode, it says that my varaibles aren’t in scope:
What’s even more strange is that for my “Controller” variable, it says that it’s not in scope but i manage to use it and actually I have the right variable throughout levels.
I really don’t understand the problem.
I hope someone will have time to help me.
Have fun with Unreal!