Hi EveryOne,
When I use UE4.26 I found that if I use bool variable in material instance in the standalone packed uasset ,it will miss material when mount it. If I pack the uasset together with the project,it looks ok.This occurs when I update to UE4.26,it works fine in 4.22 which I used before.Can anyone helps me?Thanks a lot.
Here are the Logs:
LogPakFile: New pak file …/…/…/actor_test/Content/Paks/1.pak added to pak precacher.
LogShaders: Error: Missing shader resource for hash ‘850E3B42ABAB0A6513BA41C636468F109B719E8E’ for shader platform 0 in the shader library.
LogMaterial: Error: Tried to access an uncooked shader map ID in a cooked application.
LogMaterial: Warning: Invalid shader map ID caching shaders for ‘M’, will use default material.
LogMaterial: Can’t compile M with cooked content, will use default material instead.
LogMaterial: Warning: [AssetLog] /Game/Furniture/20200915000002/NewMaterial_Inst.NewMaterial_Inst: Failed to compile Material Instance with Base M for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.