I have upgraded my project to UE 4.8 and now I can’t save data on Android. I have observed that the path of SaveGames isn’t being created anymore (I have tested on my both mobile phones).
I have to create the following path to allow save my data:
What is going on?
Is it a Preview Version?
When will it be working?
(I want to publish my game this month)
I have the same problem
I can confirm i’m also having the exact same issue.
Hi all,
Are you working from binary or from source? Is this occurring on your individual projects, or do you see the same behavior for one of the sample projects, like Tappy Chicken?
Nope. This is not my issue.
It is occurring on my individual project, but I will check if it’s also occurring on Tappy Chicken …
So you checked appdata and your .sav file is not appearing there, correct?
It is not creating the path(UE4Game\Project\Project\Saved\SaveGames) to save file… but after I create manually the path it saves everything…
Appreciated, but did you look in your app data and see if your .sav file is there instead? As I linked above, it may appear in your appdata folder. Please look and see if it is being saved there now.
It’s not being saved there.
Yep! It’s happening to Tappy Chicken too…
.sav file is saved in MyProject\Saved\SaveGames folder and it seems to work when I test it on PC (mobile preview). But when I compile it for Android (ETC2) and install it on my Phone it Doesn’t work!!
Hi all,
I conferred with the Android dev today and we tested two Android devices, running both Kit Kat and Lollipop, and we were unable to reproduce this issue. As you can see from the screenshot, Tappy’s .sav is appearing on the device:
This was running 4.8 binary from the launcher. At this point, the only advice I can give is to check your project’s manifest and ensure that it includes;
uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”/>
Good luck!
Could you send us the screenshot of Android Packaging Setting, please?
I have made more tests on Tappy Chicken and I think now I know what is happening:
If I compile with “Package game data inside .apk?” checked the game is saved as usual;
If i uncheck “Package game data inside .apk?” and compile it… the game doesn’t create the path to save the game… can you confirm it please?
I’ve checked the path you specified in the image on my phone after building my app but It seems that UE4Game folder isn’t created at all…
I’ve builded TappyChicken and it seems to work: It creates the UE4Game folder. After I run myApp and the save game works. I’ve UE4Game folder and execute my App but UE4Game folder isn’t created. It seems that TappyChicken makes something that my App doesn’t for creating the UE4Game folder the first time. Project settings are the same just as the blueprint code for Creating/saving/loading saved games. Please help
The Tappy example I tried yesterday was straight out of the box except for one change. In ‘Project-Packaging’ I unchecked ‘full rebuild’. ‘Use Pak File’ from project packaging and ‘Package game data inside .apk?’ were both checked affirmative when I packaged. I will attempt to reproduce the unchecked ‘inside apk’ today.
Here is requested screenshot of Android Packaging Setting:
It is possible, yes. Using the conversion option as opposed to making a copy sometimes does strange things to blueprints, and it has occurred to me that this may be a problem with a game’s save blueprints and not a problem in packaging itself.
Here is something to try with your previous project:
In the Engine folder, delete the DDC
(Derived Data Cache). In your project,
delete the Intermediate, the Saved,
and the Binary folders.
When you next try to package it will take considerably longer as the shaders will need to newly compile, but this should get rid of any old or corrupted files that haven’t gotten deleted.
See if this helps. Good luck!
I’ve made e new 4.8 project from scratch to test the save game functionality and ALL works. The question is: Maybe coverting a project from 4.7 to 4.8 could give the problem? It’s possible?