Why isn't my weapon firing?


I went through this tutorial:

I did everything just as explained in the tutorial but my weapon doesn’t want to fire when i left click, why is that?


I believe that tutorial is not wrong. Since you didn’t provide any snapshot or specific error, It is impossible to help you.
Please go through all blueprints, and compare it with the tutorial once more, then check the execution lines. If still no fire, right click on the nodes and click on “Watch Values”. This helps you to see the value of nodes output in each loop cycle. This link explains more about debugging in blueprint. Good luck :slight_smile:

Well problems usually come from mistakes or misunderstandings somewhere along the line.

Would you mind making a few screenshots of your blueprint?

Hi, here is the screenshots:


Well provided the screenshots it looks ok.

Are you 100% sure you followed everything and have you tried debugging anything yet?

It looks like somewhere a variable isn’t defined and won’t fire because of that.

Try to add a few “Print Strings” to check what actually gets called. Did you set up the name wrong on “SwitchonWeaponType”? Does this actually output a signal?

Where does it get lost?

You should always try to figure that out before asking for help since just providing a few pictures (which you only did later on anyway) is not nearly enough to find everything you could’ve done wrong.

Somewhere in that blueprint the signal is lost. Where?

Hi, thx for the answers:

It’s just I tried everything to fix it and i have recreated the entire thing and still it doesn’t work, what should i do?


Where do you lose the signal (exec line signal)?

Which parts are triggering and which aren’t?