Why isnt my stuff ingame?

hi again,
I finally managed to get my map online…but only 166MB…??
So I feared the worsed…I subscribed and played my map…
Now all my custom foilage and flowers are missing?
The Map folder is 1.42GB in my explorer.
The map with the custom trees, fern, flowers, etc… is also inside the map.
Another problem is …where is my water gone to??
In the editor all is working fine and ingame…all is missing…
the sun also missing…(but havent done anything on it beside copy/pasted it from main map)…so sun nvm for now.
pls help, dunno what to do…
If someone wants to take a look at my files, ill send them, because i cant do anything now untill this is fixed…

as it should be

pls help

found out what the error is, how to fix this??
but Valhalla is +2GB in my explorer, so how did he do his?
mine is 1.42GB…Ive made maps for ARMA3 that are +4GB…help


or can you only use stuff from the arkdevkit?? and not imported?
cave is also gone :frowning:

I’m not sure why your stuff isn’t showing up in game except that the file is not fully uploading before giving you the error. The most common reason I’ve seen that error is because the mod description title or change notes have exceeded a stupidly low limit, or they have special characters. I would recommend doing a shorter filler text for description that says something like “FILL ME” and update it after its on the workshop. Also do not use any form of special characters in the title or change notes.

I also think the preview pic has a filesize limit that will cause an error when uploading.

I think this is true, but the image I use is 1k x 1k so I think it would have to be pretty big haha.

so I changed the size of the picture…
Now I dont get an error, but still nothing of foilage, water or caves…
because it doesnt upload all the files it seems
Anyone wants to have a look at my files? will upload the on dropbox or something…rlly want my trees and stuff, they look much better then ingame :slight_smile:
Would like to show them to public…hopefully
So if someone can help me, would be great

so I uploaded my map and all things in it in my dropbbox…
If someone will take a look at it to solve the problem, pls send me ure email account on steam or here in a pm.
account name steam:

If you have time double check you cook log see if it gives you any real errors there referencing your content.

0 fatal errors, +500 warnings

ok, ive made a new map, working with uzumis tutorial, and it works :slight_smile:
I think i just needed to downsize the maps, so i made several submaps first and the aded all the custom folders also spread out, so no longer all in 1 map, but i have different folders for textures, meshes, trees, flowers…now and 5 submaps
only added 1 tree, now hoping rest will follow :slight_smile: now and 5 submaps