Why is unreal stuck at 45% on initialising on macOS

It was at 18% and i just installed it. Also I’m on an admin account

Dosen’t matter is un stuck now

The 45% is the initial core shader compile of a fresh install.
These shaders have to compile just once unelss you change some engine settings after launch, then they need to recompile again (Forward render for example).
If you open up task manager you should be able to see a few instances of ShaderCompileWorker.exe and show that it is not stuck but actually working in the background.

Create a folder and set it in the editor preferences under General > Global > as Derived Data Cache.

Compiled shaders are stored in this folder. Now every time you create a new project and set the same Derived Data folder, it can use precompiled data from earlier.

Learn more about DDC here: Derived Data Cache | Unreal Engine Documentation