Why is Unreal 5.3.2 Source - Now only working as project specific engine installations, rather than engine installation specific projects?

When installing 5.3.2 from GitHub release source using the latest VS 22 with the latest updates these engine builds become project specific engine installations, rather than engine specific projects. An example of this.

Install Source Engine 5.3.2 - Setup - Gen files - Build Succeeded
Associate a 5.3.2 Project “TestProj” with that new engine. Generating project files. Open the solution, select project and Build Project Only. Now the entire engine rebuilds including the project.

Now the engine has made itself project specific!

So now we right click our “OtherProject” also a 5.3.2 source project. We associate to the same engine, generating project files. Open the solution, select the project, Build - Project Only. Entire Engine rebuilds.

Now we open the first project.

Message box comes up to tell us the project requires itself to be rebuilt in the IDE. So we load up project one and Build - Project Only. The Entire engine is rebuilt

So we load up project two now and that tells us, rebuild in your IDE.

And so on…

This only started happening recently, confirmed with another remote developer using independent systems.

Both of us have been working with UE since UE4, in source, as C++ devs, never seen this behaviour before.

Can only describe as : 1. Project specific engine installations, rather than engine installation specific projects

Impact of this is now having to have a source engine for every project that we need to load each day.

Thoughts or information welcome…

I’ve this exact same issue, its driving me scatty, just when I want to work on my project, I’m going round in circles waiting for the engine to once again compile… as you say… then think its time to work on project 2, and here we go again.

I hope there is some fix for this or a process I’m missing, is this a VS issue? is this an Unreal engine issue I’ve no idea, as been struggling for a few weeks now with this.

I also posted on the Slackers Discord with one suggestion relating to Engine version Association in .uproject, however this solution didnt work.

Be great to hear if anybody else has this issue or indeed a potential fix.


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Aahaha yeah I have just posted this, sat back, got two engines now, two projects open and thought, ■■■■, I need a third one… Need a fix!

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Hi All,

Its been a few months now since this was posted, I’m gob smacked that nobody seems to have this issue where as me and my colleague have.

We seem to only be able to use our source built engine with 1 project, if we associate another project with the source built engine… we have a full compile again as mentioned in the above posts.

Has nobody got this issue ? really need some guidance here as I can’t install yet another (3rd) source 5.3 engine for another project, there seems to be no logic here.

Same issue here with same source build version. has anyone found what the solution is yet?