I have a button. I created an on click event that spawns a print to screen (for testing) followed by spawning another widget to the screen ( a different widget). When I click the button the first time, I see the print to screen, and I see the new widget spawn. When I click a second time, I do not see the print to screen again. It is not being “clicked”. Is there some way I need to reset the button after it has been clicked? When I test an ever simpler version by just putting a button on the screen and having it print when clicked, everything works fine. Why is creating this new widget making the button not usable?
This question can be simplified. if I spawn a widget using “Create Widget”, how can I return the focus to the previous widget?
Hey Thumper-
Can you provide a screenshot of the setup that prints to the screen and adds the second widget to the screen? In my test my first widget has a button that, On Clicked, prints a message and adds a second widget. The printed message appears on screen each time I press the button.
Also I’ve tried setting focus on the Widget that owns “Add Noise”, I’ve done this immediately after the widget is spawned and also I’ve used the event Lost focus and set the focus back on it’s self.
I’m having a hard time following what your screenshot is doing. Where is the print you were referring to? I also noticed that your OnClicked first runts into a branch check, how are you incrementing the Num Layers variable? I assume that the nodes shown are in the first widget class? What happens when yoiu click the AddNoise button when Num Layers does not equal 0?
Even though the print isn’t in the screen shot, it was there. You’ll just have to trust me. I drew the line because I wanted to show where the print was located - immediately following the on clicked event. This morning I made a test where I create a button on the main widget, that on clicked spawns a second widget. During this test I noticed that I did not encounter the issue where the original widget button was no longer interacting with the mouse or clickable. This time everything worked. So I made it spawn the original widget in question and the problem occurred again. So the widget that was being spawned had an error or something in it prohibiting the original layer (widget button) was being accessed. To further complicate this I rebuild the widget from scratch basically copying over node for node and adjusting any naming issues along the way. I had several functions on this widget as well that I needed to rebuild too. It was not fun, and guess what, the rebuilt widget works fine. So I’m very confused. The only thing I can think is either the widget was corrupt/ broken, or I toggled something in the original that prohibited the button that spawned the widget from being usable anymore.
So I have a question and some feedback for you. Is there a toggle or option that could exist on the spawned widget that would make it behave this way? I kept the original widget so I can test more (because I want to know what the problem was).
The feedback is this (because I suspect the widget became broken by my usage, perhaps a copy/ paste kerfuffle), There needs to be a copy input parameters/. output parameters option. I had several functions that had many pins in and out. Even though drag dropping pins onto an empty “entry node” creates the type of input, it doesn’t facilitate the naming. You can duplicate within the same class but not to copy of that class (that you may be using to rebuild the broken class).
I had this same problem and found the following solution… When I was triggering a screenshot, I was also adding an animation widget to simulate the shutter clapping in a DSLR viewfinder. What was happening is that the animation had a z-index set to “0” in the expanded settings of the “add to viewport” node in the CameraButton blueprint. Instead of destroying this animation widget that was covering my other widget UMG buttons/controls, I set the animation widget’s, “add to viewport,” node z-index integer to -100. When I set it to -2, I was still not able to interact with my MobileTouchInterface UI controls, but -100 seems to be behind them and works fine.