It’s a C++ templating trick, you use your own class as the template argument, so that when the templating occurs in the compiler it generates code using your class in all the locations the template argument was used. You’re not actually inheriting from yourself, you’re inheriting from a template that is parameterized with your class
TSharedFromThis is so that we can more easily get the TSharedPtr that has already been allocated somewhere that’s holding onto an instance of this class. Slate uses this a lot so that widgets can pass themselves around as a shared reference by inherting from this class and using SharedThis(this).
Apologies for reviving this thread but I was wondering how we could inherit from the TSharedFromThis template.
I was not able to find this via the “Add new C++ class” option in the editor.
I do not believe this is possible through the editor / BPs (though I might be wrong as I spend 95% of the time in C++).
When creating a new class FYourClass, you need to make it a child of TSharedFromThis, so TSharedFromThis<FYourClass>.
Here is a minimal version of the ISceneOutlinerTreeItem.h header, which (roughly speaking) is used for connecting the rows in the Scene Outliner with their underlying data.
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
/** Base tree item interface */
struct SCENEOUTLINER_API ISceneOutlinerTreeItem : TSharedFromThis<ISceneOutlinerTreeItem>
As you can see, the struct ISceneOutlinerTreeItem is passed to the TSharedFromThis template, resulting in template instantiation. You can find TSharedFromThis inside the SharedPointer.h header. Classes can also be used, as exemplified by the class ISceneOutlinerColumn (ISceneOutlinerColumn.h).