Why is "Tool Tip Widget" greyed out? How do I use it ? An alternative ?

Hello, all is in the title but if for some reason it’s not possible in this version, I’d like to know, as an alternative, how I could get the tooltip text of a currently hovered (in game) UMG element to use in a blueprint, I found a way to do it on the internet through a function, but I would need to make a new one for every button, and i need quite a lot of buttons so I need a more efficient way.
Please and thank you in advance.

Looking for an answer too!

  • create a binding:


  • that spawns a widget:

Expose variables to pipe in data. The widget lifecycle will be maintained automagically.

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but I would need to make a new one for
every button, and i need quite a lot
of buttons so I need a more efficient

That’s why you wrap a button with a User Widget first, create the binding there, add extra functionality as needed. Whenever you need a button, use this fleshed out user widget instead.

You can’t really get far without user widgets and inheritance if you want to go beyond the most basic interface.

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There is a grayed out drop down, so I assume there’s a way to enable it and let you choose the tooltip directly?

That’s simply not how it works. It’s a function override. It’s a dropdown you’d choose a function from, not a widget. It’s neat like this since the widget will be released from memory (:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:) once no longer needed.