Why is this creating folders instead of text files?

bool UPMTextFileSave::SaveArrayText(FString SaveDirectory, FString FileName, TArray SaveText, bool AllowOverWriting = false)
SaveDirectory += “\”;
SaveDirectory += FileName;

if (AllowOverWriting)
	if (FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileExists(*SaveDirectory))
		return false;
		FString FinalString = "";
		for (FString& Each : SaveText)
			FinalString += Each;
			FinalString += LINE_TERMINATOR;
			return FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(FinalString, *SaveDirectory);


For some reason, if there is an absent file name it will create one randomly sometimes the file named “.txt” will be a text file and sometimes it will be a folder named “.txt” I cannot figure out why and as a novice coder could use some help. The issue is… once the folder is created it is not able to be read or saved to as a “.txt” text file!

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “Custom”, meta = (Keywords = “Load”))
static FString LoadFileToString(FString SaveDirectory, FString FileName);

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Custom", meta = (Keywords = "Load"))
	static TArray<FString> LoadFileToStringArray(FString SaveDirectory, FString FileName);

This was the problem! Do not load files before you write them!