Why is this community dead?

GitHub seems to have a feature where the locking does NOT affect people that have already been active in the conversation and only prevents others from posting in it. So maybe that could be an idea as well.

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Yes, failed at the first hurdle… :smiley:

Verse isn’t available to Unreal Engine devs yet and won’t be for a while, true? Meantime, Blueprints aren’t available to all Fortnite devs right now, right? So to cut down on noise, it’d help to have a forum setting (preferences), that shows a custom VIEW / FILTER of the forums. HIDE all Fortnite & Verse threads / posts for UE devs that find that distracting. HIDE all Blueprints threads for Fortnite devs that find that distracting. Until both worlds start to overlap. So the forums are easier to read now.

I’ve also noticed lately that a lot of people seem to be posting questions as discussions, not allowing the subject to be resolved even when the answer has been met.

Perhaps when creating a new thread, putting the question option as the first & discussion as second would be a viable solution.

Most new people come to the forum to post questions. So they probably on instinct pick the first option that pops up.

Discussion is usually reserved for more veteran users that either want to showcase their work or discus a subject.


A concrete example of why this forum is dead/dying.
Following your ‘PSO Caches’ documentation we came to a command that simply does not work. Posted the command and error message here and got no response.
Posted on Unreal slackers and in 30 minutes had a sensible and useful suggestion as to what was missing.
It seems you have lost a good number of knowledgeable people to the slackers discord and where am I most likely to go for an answer next time?
Perhaps you should ask on the discord why the users there have moved away from the official unreal forums.
p.s. the error in the pso cache generation procedure is still there. In fact we found 3 errors to overcome before finally succeeding.

I think “Discussion” is a very strange form of post on a forum unless you expect multiple possible answers / up to preference or are not expecting answers, when advertising for example. I think anything posted on a forum section should be posted a “question”, leave the discussion for some social section elsewhere.

Most optimally a forum is Q and A as compact as possible acting as a knowledgebase.

Because the forum is populated by questionable people and worse moderators who instead of removing posts of those that insult you remove posts that detail how the engine is broken…

That depends.
It should be the defacto option, but you still have situations where a discussion is preferrable, like sharing releases of sroftware/addons for instance (gpu lightmass for one?).

There are also situations where a discussion with intelligent people would help others reading to clarify what they need to do.
Most intelligent people left these forums over finding that the moderators and probably the people behind them enforce censorship of negative things the engine actually does while doing absolutely nothing about explicit community guideline violations…
Can you blame them?


Well… Something changed on the design side of the forums again but it’s not exactly an improvement :')…

That check icon on the left means the same as “resolved” on the right, it just offsets te text to the right so it looks like a bigger mess than before. What’s the unreal and that question icon doing next to it, it has no function.

There’s also this bug causing a resolved / unresolved visual to not show up at all:

[Forum, bug] Posted "Questions" not showing up as resolved if missing the question tag.

Or this:

The topic bar gets hidden the moment you arrive by that green eye blinding “X new topics” so you can’t see what any of the numbers on the right mean. Messy as hell, move the profile icons to the left so you can align the heart icon columns.

Also, when you scroll down the top bar isn’t css “fixed” so you can’t check what those numbers mean without scrolling all the way up. Looks very 2005.

Since today each post in the topic list shows a short description which is useful right now because most people fail to make their title descriptive or don’t attempt to even make a title. More of a problem with people though. I liked the old version better because less material to read makes it easier to scan over many topics. This is more than my eyes need:

Possibly, certainly now we have AI options, a proper title could be generated or enforced instead.

Let me fix the issues i posted within a day :') where are the web devs at?

Epics? Hoepfully back in school…

Other folks? Likely working.
What is the point of feeding feedback to those who wholehardtedly ignore it?

The only epic teams that pay you any mind (when contacted directly, mind you) are the ones who make a mess on the doc pages.

Before anyone says “you are too harsh”. Just remeber that any professional would do A/B testing anywhere else but on the live site, prior to pushing changes to live…

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Hi all!

Did something changed in the forums?
my Questions TAG link is not working anynmore




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There’s been a lot of small changes and tweaks all over the place recently. Deployed a wee bit too haphazardly perhaps:

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oh I see…I hope everything normalizes soon.
Yesterday tried to join the forums with my bookmarked link and didnt worked and I tought it was down and today happened again.

thanks @Everynone

Drop a new post in the feedback section - that one is monitored. At least we can Vote there.


is in the link you provided?

I never get used to this UI…is not too clear.

