Seriously, like I first found out about UE4 a couple of month back, got really hooked on it, installed it, started watching tutorials on Unreal Channel (blueprints) everything seems so good until I was basically ready to start learning C++ side of UE4 since I consider myself programmer and there was so little content, basically like 18 videos if I’m not mistaken and a few videos on YouTube made by community that are really specific to particular thing and doesn’t really help with the big picture. Then I said to myself “Alright, everything is still new, I’ll look again later…” and even today, the situation hasn’t really changed at all…
I understand blueprints are this new, totally cool feature introduced and I understand the emphasis you put on them, but let’s not kid ourselves, every game will need a bit of programming anyway, plus I believe other programmers will agree with me that we simply would much rather type code than drag a bunch of nodes… But I understand the importance of blueprints, and I like them, they’re cool, just to a certain degree… Like they enable artists to easily integrate their workflow with us, but I really don’t understand the reason why there is such a lack of C++ content on the web…
If you were targeting big companies that already have rooms bunch of senior C++ programmers that could look at source code and find out everything then you wouldn’t really introduce the new pricing model… This cheap (GREAT btw) pricing models tells me you’re targeting the indie market as well, but we need to learn from someone/something… I know a good deal of C + I did my share of work using C++, but simply knowing the language isn’t going to make anyone totally understand UE4’s C++ because of all the macros, functions and stuff…
I’m really not whining, and if this message conveys me being angry, that’s simply not the case, i ADORE UE4 :), the community, everything, just hate the lack of contents for C++…
Like, I like UE4 much much more than Unity3d for example, yet I keep coming back to work in a Unity3D sideways to the UE4 simply because I get to type lines of codes there and create something that way…
So I have two questions:
1) If someone from UE4 can comment, is there some video series, tutorial series in the making? Like where you introduce us to bunch of classes that makes up UE4 (most important ones, anyway) then we get to build a few example of the taught content, rinse and repeat and we should start to get sense for programming in UE4?
2) To all the people: If you are using C++ and it’s a breeze even tho there is far few tutorials on UE4’s C++, can you please, please share me your secret?
I’d really like to get to that point, just tell me what to do… Assume I totally know C++, what’s next step? Like, I haven’t been using C++ for 30 years in office and haven’t looked into other’s people source code to try to reverse-engineer something, but more like genuinely have been studying C++, watched lot of tutorials on it, read books, wrote my deal of console application, and started learning win32 but soon after stopped when I saw the amount of stuff I need to go through to get simple window to show up… What do I do next? Just please don’t tell me, get UE4 off GitHub and go through source code…
TL;DR: Hire more people like Zak Perish, teach them UE4’s C++ side and get them to create tutorials! Zak, you’re great! Liked your style of teaching since you were making videos for 3DBuzz and was pleasantly surprised to see you’re working at Epic.