I am using Unreal Engine 4.3.1 and I’ve notice that when I click on the menus(any menu in the editor or persona or even to change from LIT to UNLIT) there seems to be a significant performance INCREASE. Now notice this is just when clicking on the MENU and with the MENU highlighted. Once you’ve made your selection the performance drops back down. This happens on both my Computers.
I’ve attached 2 screenshots and as you can see it is a difference of 13.3 fps and 30.9 fps. I ran the animation editor to make sure it is not my imagination and the animation that is running goes from horribly slow to silky smooth when I click any of the MENU selections.
Now I must add I am running beneath the set requirements. Both are laptops.
1st PC : INTEL i7-2630QM 2.0ghz with 8gb Ram and radeon 6770m 1024mb.
2nd PC: INTEL i5-3210M 2.5ghz with 8gb Ram and radeon 7670m 1024mb.
out of curiosity, can you monitor CPU usage when off the menu and when on it? see if there is a difference. also if you can check your CPU freq value. I’m wondering if something with the menu causes the application to sleep less.
My Laptops have TURBO BOOST but is disabled so they run at above mentioned frequencies. Also the CPU usage is always around 35 - 45% in that particular scene.
I did measure the GPU as well using MSI AFTERBURNER and it seems that GPU USAGE is about 85 - 90% constantly. But when I click the menu and the Unreal editor speeds up the GPU USAGE DROPS to about 70%. GPU frequency remains unchanged
So it runs faster when using less of my graphics card? I have updated my graphics drivers on the i7 computer to the latest drivers but still the same thing.
Oh, it just occurred to me. when you click on the menu, I bet it stops rendering the other window. the GPU / CPU is then free to focus on your current window. Thus performance benefits from less overhead.
of course, cant know for sure without a test.
I moved my main world camera up to an animating texture I have, opened up a window with a chair as a component. clicked on a menu… bam. main window no longer renders. FPS shot up to 120 for me.
What you said makes sense so I went into the viewport options and turned off REALTIME (Ctrl-R) and result was I can now view my animations and all at about 60fps. Basically taking priority away from main viewport.
At least the end result is I can use the Engine faster.
Oh one last thing if you run the editor in fullscreen form (Shift - F11) performance might increase. Engine runs at 18fps default but fullscreen get about 40fps. That is one big difference.