Why is the TouchInterface moving on click?

The touchinterface joysticks are moving on the screen when I click them on visual part(non thumb part).
Is this supposed to happen or only a bug when testing the game in the mobile preview?

Hi envenger,

It’s a feature that should be there. It’s for when a player puts their finger on the correct area of the screen but not quite on the thumb stick that is displayed. It then resets the thumb stick to be directly under their finger. If you click far enough away from the thumb stick area it will shoot the gun.

If you have any other questions, just let us know.

Thanks, TJ

Is it posible to disable this behavior? I need to set up a fixed touch interface.

Hi sonike,

Yes you can disable it.

  • You will need to click on the View Options in the bottom-right of the Content Browser and enable Show Engine Content

  • Once you do this, hightlight the Engine folder and search for Joysticks

  • Choose 'Default Virtual Joysticks and double-click to open it

  • Enable ‘Prevent Recenter’

  • Save

I hope that helps.
