I have been playing around in the landscape editor and also trying to make my own textures. The issue that I’ve run into is that the textures look like they’re melting.
To make the material I painted watercolor on paper. Scanned it in. Used bitmap2 material to make it work in engine.
To make the map I went to landscape and made a new landscape. Used all in engine tools to make it.
This actually looks like you are seeing the landscape mesh LODing. The landscape will try to reduce the amount of triangles it uses based on distance, this effect can cause it to appear to dissolve around the edges. You can swap to wireframe rendering to see this on the mesh side.
I think there may be some adjustments for how aggressive the LOD system is but don’t know off the top of my head. Could look it up when i get back.
It has nothing to do with either the texture and material. It’s the way Unreal handles LOD. You can check here for more info on how Unreal creates the landscape:
If you want to look at a great example, download the “Landscape Mountains”, to see how they tweaked it to not have the obvious lod on screen. It’s also a flying game, so it fits completely with what you are trying to accomplish.
You can tweak the falloff by increasing the LOD Distance Factor property. The LOD also depends on the landscape component size. In your video it looks like it’s too small for the area you’re trying to cover. If you use a bigger component size the LOD will transition much more slowly. You can use the Manage / Change Component Size option to change the component size for an existing landscape.