Why is the material on mesh scaled wrong?

Im having a problem applying a material to a large door mesh that i have made, each time I apply the material it gets stretched and distorted to fit the whole size of the object. I assume there’s an option to tick that I’ve missed somewhere in a tutorial like keep relative scale or something but cant find it. Anyone know how to set this when applying a material to a mesh of ANY size?.

Hi Einarr,

It sounds as though you may have an issue with your UV and how that’s been set up. Can you post an image of your UV along with the door mesh with the material applied for easier verification?

Thank you!


Hi Einarr,

I’ve not heard back from you in a few days. I’m going to mark this as resolved for tracking purposes.

If you are still having the issue feel free to post back here and I’ll help you out!

Thank you!
