Why is the marketplace littered and flooded with AI stolen trash?

For example users like this one: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/profile/New+Horizon+Creators and many others like him, will quickly create an image in a minute and then upload it to the store. Of course it will hardly make any sales but this is deeply troubling for many reasons.
-Anyone can generate the same in a minute and there is no need to buy it or put it on a store.
-You cannot find anything anymore because the marketplace is littered with useless trash.
-It takes time from curators who can actually review real assets instead.
-Also AI generated content is by essence stolen content. Tools like midjourney used content without artists permission (stolen) to “train”. This basically means the original artist can see artwork he/she created being used in a game or on this marketplace and then make a lawsuit because he never put his work for sale (In many cases midjourney will basically generate images which are hardly any different from the original).
-Also these sellers in many cases do not even mention that they used AI to generate these images.


You can often use the NoAI tag to filter out this detritus.

Nevertheless, I agree, make this a voteable post :slight_smile:

I got stung the other day by someone like this who is ‘making’ ground textures. It says 4k on the tin, and yes, technically they are 4k, but when you bother to put them on a mesh, you’ll see they repeat like a 1k texture.

In other words, it’s really a 1k texture blown up to 4k.

I honestly don’t know if these people know what they’re doing or not…


Not everyone will figure out the NoAI tag. If they were serious about this they should have made it as a clear button or perhaps to lump all AI in a clear category of its own.

Many users will simply look for an item in the search box then buy anything that looks good enough. A lot of them won’t even realize it was generated by AI and they might even feel defrauded by Epic for their lack of curation after they realize Epic is actively redistributing worthless stolen art from Midjourney and what not. The whole 2D section no longer serves its purpose and is discrediting the whole marketplace. And if more 3D “AI” tools pick up speed then the whole store will become filled with stolen art and useless content. Pages upon pages upon pages of stolen art that one can generate for free using the “AI” tools directly without spending money here.

I was optimistic about Epic’s upcoming Fab store but seeing Epic’s attitude about redistributing useless “AI” content most certainly does not lend credence to their future endeavors.

Honestly, I think the only solution would be to reject AI generated content all together. People who want “AI” stolen art can simply use the tools directly themselves, there is no need for Epic to act as a middleman for them.


Yes, I never understand what the point of all this 2D is! I mean, yes, you can use it as icons or backgrounds for a sidescroller, but…

You’ll notice that there are hundreds of products in these categories, and no reviews. I think they’re making money from the odd person who gets burnt.

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Their business model is volume I think. They work x-amount of hours, generating hundreds of “products” in the hope they will make few sales that will make it worth their time.

By the time they realize that it’s not really worth it, someone else will have the same bright idea and do the same. Cluttering the store even more.

BUT do you imagine how many thousands of dollars would go into salaries for Epic’s curation team that has to approve these assets? Not to mention lost trust from those who get burnt from them.


Also, NoAI tag means “don’t use my content for AI training”… which is ironically used a lot by people selling ai generated content… And also here’s a long thread that discusses it to death. Epic staff was pinged there a few times, but they decided not to comment on this situation

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I bet you they don’t. It’s ‘easy money’ for them (assuming anybody buys that :poop: ). There are tons of scam videos on social media (from YT to tiktoks) about how to make easy money on ai generators “in just 5 steps”. I bet some of them recommend selling stuff here.


Ain’t AI just ‘great’! :sunny:


Thank you for the thread link.

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its the same with the sale category i checked it yesterday and the 4 first page where taken by one guy and it was only Ai generated image created in one or two month. I think that issue will get bigger and bigger with time. And the only way to get visibility will be to do Ai content…
I kinda worried about the futur.


Just wait till text-to-3d (or image-to-3d) will become good enough to start making assets with it…

That will be bad quality so they will make hundred of them to try selling one.
But 3D is kinda ok cause there are some quality rules like UV or lightmap that can make it slower. 2D images are just to easy to be approved.

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That will be bad quality so they will make hundred of them to try selling one.

Sooo same as with 2D ones :sweat_smile:

But 3D is kinda ok cause there are some quality rules like UV or lightmap that can make it slower. 2D images are just to easy to be approved.

I’m sure they will figure out a way to meet bare minimum.

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Where ever we go we run into someone trying to scam a dollar. 3D will be far worse then this 2D phase. I can already see 100s of the same models slightly differing from each other flooding the market. Searching for a sword will have 608,875 results found