Why is the KEY DOWN in the widget not working?

Hi! As in the title, the Key Down function from widget doesn’t work for me…
When I try to print any key, it doesn’t print anything…

BP Character


Flag the widget root as keyboard focusable. You don’t get a warning in the log? Hm.

If that’s not enough, you may need to give this widget keyboard focus specifically.

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How can I do that?
I get no warning…nothing…

Drag a wire from the create widget node and set keyboard focus.

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I tried the same on a new project and not working :((

At least in UE4:


Is enough. Do note that if you click outside of the widget, it will immediately lose focus. With UI only mode, this should work even without giving the widget keyboard focus specifically.


YEESS MANN!! It’s working!!
Thank you very much!!


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