Why is the highscore system not working properly? Everytime when I run and collect coins, it doesn't save my highscore, instead of that it becomes reset to 0 after playing the game again

Hello, I have watched this video carefully and I don’t know what is causing my problem. Here is the video Highscores - #14 Creating A MOBILE Endless Runner Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

I followed the video exactly the same way like it was explained. For some reason, the highscore system isn’t working. Is there any way to fix this issue? I am using Unreal 4.26, which is the latest version, and Windows 10.

I tried every tutorial and it is not even working. Help, I need to fix this problem, I really want to have the highscore system in my game!

It just means you copied the code incorrectly, I’m afraid. Can you show your code?

Here it is, I have these blueprints.

In the function that is called after player dies, the highscore isn’t updating.

What is wrong? Is there at least one way to fix this problem?

Please help me, it is very important for my android game!!

I’m presuming this code ( apart from the widget ) is in the player BP?

This code

saves the score from the player, no problem.

But this ‘add points’ function


is updating the score in the player and saving the save game. But you didn’t copy the score into the save game…