I created my own architecture scene from a blank template in sketchup.
Exported using the datasmith exporter for skp (its almost instant vs a lengthy fbx export!??).
Imported to twin motion, applied some grass and it looks massive, not short cut grass and I cant get the density anything near the preview image.
I wondered if I had managed to stuff up the units/scale somehow.
So i downloaded a model from warehouse (in screen grabs) in a new skp scene, to check against, reimported to TM and I have the same issue.
The grass is nothing like as dense as it should be and is nothing close to the preview image.
I've checked units match, and tried different units too.
I'm wondering if I have some setting wrong or switched on/off in sketchup.
In TM I've tried painting at 100%, x4 duplicates, and scatter too, clicking on every pixel (ok maybe not every pixel....but a lot of clicking!) to make sure I had max coverage.
I read there was an issue with it being set to 100% so tried 99%.
It looks like a unit mis-match to me but I cant see any issues.
Thank you for posting in the community your questions and not sure if there is a bug or not without taking a closer look at your Sketchup file and Twinmotion scene. Would you be able to submit a bug by following this link: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page
Typically when importing elements via Datasmith or imported file, you can apply painted vegetation the same way. However if the hosted geometry changes then the painted vegetation becomes static and needs to be reapplied/adjusted where changes might have occurred.
You can reference theses video tutorials:
Also recommend asking on the facebook community from other users:
When making more dense grass it is important to select all the painted elements and make them all the same then you can go back and adjust if needed. Hope this helps.
The grass looks nicer in the render, but we are still a million miles away from anything that looks remotely like the preview image, or remotely dense enough to be a usable lawn. Long grass makes my Houses look like they haven’t been cared for. It’s clearly a scaling issue, the grass bunches mesh is too big!
It sometimes happens to me that the grass in the quick view image is much sparser than in the rendered one. Is it the same on the render, or better a littlebit?
By the way, the TM community has been begging to the developers for normally usable grass for years.....
The main grass problem is in the TM, not in your computerr :)