Why is it that the UE4 editor’s “Maps” section cannot recognize UE4 Maps?
Hi DarkMountainGaming,
What you are seeing there is the Content Browser looking for any folders in the Project/Content folder and displaying them. We keep the level maps in the “Content” folder so they are easy for the engine to access, but as a side effect, the content browser will still display the folder. The folder appears empty in the engine, because the Content Browser can only display folders and asset thumbnails, but .umaps are not considered “assest” files. This is a known issue with UE4. Please let us know if you encounter any other unexpected behaviors.
Soon they will be visible in Content Browser… atleast i think by reading that:
Understood. Would be happy to hire someone to help us finish our first project. If you know of anyone that might be interested, Please let me know.
Thank You, !
Thank You.