Why is the character and animations importing wrong for me? UE5

Hi, I have a problem with importing into UE5… I left a video here because it would be a lot to explain:

I don’t understand where I’m going wrong…

Blender is a great program but has the downside of not keeping track and inform you if you have missed a step in the rigging process or something is not quite right.

most likely you didn’t prepared the rig correctly which is very easy to do because of how blender works.

I suggest finding a tutorial that show how to rig and export to unreal, the unreal part adds another layer of complexity to blender, and watch all the steps from the tutorial. you most likely find the step you have missed

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I managed to stop appearing in animations, but… i watched some tutorials,
I did the same as shown in it and when I imported the skeleton mesh it appears the same “Could not find the bind pose. It will use time 0 as binde pose.”

I have more important fixed skeletons in the same way, but it was going…
Either I forgot how or I don’t know :frowning: